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يقر ويتعهد المتقدم بالالتزام بعمل كافة الفحوصات الطبية اللازمة للسفر لدول المجلس إضافةً إلى أي فحوصات إضافية أخرى مثل فحص covid-19 أو PCR أو غيرها قد تتطلبها شركات الطيران أو إدارة المطارات أو أي جهة أخرى والتي لا يكون المجلس مسؤولاً عنها بأي حالٍ من الأحوال.

The applicant acknowledges and undertakes to commit to make all the medical examinations required to travel to the GCC countries, in addition to any other additional examinations such as COVID-19 test or PCR, etc. that may be required by airlines, airport management, or any other party to travel to the GCC countries for which the Council is not responsible in any way.

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The validity of Medical Examinations reports is 2 months.

Book a Medical Examination Appointment

Welcome to our premier appointment booking platform! Whether you need to consult with a medical specialist, schedule a dental check-up, or book an appointment with any other healthcare professional, we have you covered. Our user-friendly interface allows you to effortlessly book appointments from the comfort of your home or on the go, saving you valuable time and reducing the stress associated with traditional appointment booking methods.

Candidate's information

Pregnant Women Apply After Completion Of 6 Months.

Kindly recheck again that the information given in this form is true, Complete and accurate?

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